Contents and Index
1. Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club (PHOYC)
- The First Meeting - 1964
- History of the first four boats - Photos to come
- Bell-buoy Course First race was to the Bell Buoy in Botany Bay
- Bate Bay Course As the fleet grew after constitution in early 1964
- YMCA Special Race - Saturday 29th April 1967
- The AGM of the 5th meeting in 1968.
- Register of Yachts 1974 - Complete list of PHOYC racing yachts in 1974
- In the Beginning - Page 1 of the 1974-1975 Handbook
- Handbook - Sailing Instructions, Courses and Constitution 1975
- Early Notice of Race - Interesting handicapping system
- Newsletter - Main-sheet Newsletter 1976
- Program late seventies
2. Royal Motor Yacht Club - Sailing Division now Port Hacking Sailing (PHS).
- Inaugural Meeting of RMYC Sailing Division 30th May 1991
- 50th Anniversary Race - 13th September 2014
- Origin of Trophies and Races
Landseer III, The founder of PHOYC – Fred Teiffel’s yacht now fully restored
1.1 Formation of the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club 1963
Fred Teiffel (founding member) said the first meetings in 1964 were held at the RSL, he then joined the Lions club who met at the RMYC so he negotiated with the club for a room to hold meetings and use of the clubs facilities.
A coin toss won by Gerry Douglas gave PH1 to Veronique and Fred with his second yacht Landseer III PH2. After Gerry left the club sail number PH1 reverted to Fred Teiffel.
1.2 The History of the first four boats

Founders Yacht "Akuna" 1963 Sail No PH1 skippered by Fred Teiffel 1st Commodore PHOYC.

"Landseer III" PH2 1966 also Fred Teiffel
Information from Dr. Gerry Douglas who was the 2nd Commodore. (August 2014)
I have asked him for a photo of Veronique.
Gerry is now 80 (2013), lives in Brisbane his wife has a health issue and he is unlikely to travel down for the presentation night.
• Freds boat was Akuna a yawl, I think 28 Foot.
• Bob Nairns boat was Nepenthe- a 30 foot masthead sloop Crown Class.
• Bruce Harts boat was Mil a36 foot masthead sloop.
• Our boat was Veronique- a 32 foot yawl.
Fred was first commodore, I was next and I cant remember who came next!
If there's anything else you need let me know and I'll try to recall! (From Dr Gerry Douglas)
1.3 Botany Bay Bell Buoy course 1963
The start/Finish line a transit between the remains of the jetty on the northern shore of Port Hacking and the Bundeena Ferry Wharf. Keep bell buoy on starboard side when rounding.
1.4 Bate Bay course after constitution in 1964.
The start/finish line between the remains of the jetty on the northern shore of Port Hacking and a flag laid approximately 400 yards to the south.
First mark 800 yards SE of Wanda Surf club, 2nd mark 1.5 miles SE of Wanda Surf club on a transit between Cape Bailey Lighthouse and Hacking point and a line extended ESE from the Kingsway, Cronulla
1.5 Special Race

1.6 AGM 1968

1.7 Yacht register 1974

1.8 In the Beginning
Transcribed from The Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club: Sailing Instructions and Constitution 1975 with some amendments by Fred Teiffel August 2014.
The first recorded reference to the existence of a Yacht Club in the waters of Port Hacking is contained in the publication GREGORY'S GUIDE TO SAILING (1963 Edition).
It states: "Although the Port Hacking River supplies excellent facilities for boating it is only recently that any move has been made to form a yacht club there.
The main difficulty has been the lack of large enough areas of deep water, as the course of the river is interrupted in many places by very shallow sandbanks. However at the time of writing, a number of local professional men headed by Bob Nairn and Fred Teiffel are in the process of forming the Port Hacking Yacht Club.
Gunnamatta Bay provides very safe anchorage for these yachts and they usually travel to and from the starting line at Jibbon under power."
The club had its origin based on a challenge from Fred Teiffel in his yacht 'Akuna' to three other yachts in Port Hacking; Nepenthe (Bob Nairn), Veronique (Dr. Gerry Douglas) and Mil (Bruce Hart).
The inaugural race took place from the starting line off Jibbon Beach around the Bell buoy in Botany Bay and return. Although other courses have since been registered in its annual programmes, the course to Botany Bay and return still remains a regular and popular track.
The club was duly constituted early in 1964, the first Commodore being Fred Teiffel who has retained a paternal eye on the club, and remains its Patron to this day.
The club’s first register consisted of four yachts;
- Akuna - Fred Teiffel
- Mil - Bruce Hart
- Nepenthe - A.R. (Bob) Nairn
- Veronique - Dr. G. (Gerry) Douglas
An early application to the Yachting Association of N.S.W. resulted in its affiliation to that body in 1964 and it continues to subscribe to and is bound by its regulations.
Throughout the sixties the club continued to make gains in the number of members and yachts, and by 1970 the number of starters in its fortnightly races had reached double figures.
From 1972 a minor explosion in numbers took place. By the end of 1972, 15 yachts were registered; end of 1973 28 yachts; end of 1974 39 yachts.
The prospects of even greater growth is excellent, with the Sutherland Shire Council 's progressive dredging of Port Hacking, eventually making it one of the more attractive natural water ways of New South Wales without restriction to its navigation by deep keel craft.
During Easter 1975, the club organised its first Regatta - for the Compass 28 Class yachts which proved to be an outstanding success. Its promulgation of this Regatta and the J.O.G. Series which it has undertaken to organise late in 1975 establishes the club as a mature organisation capably administered. P.H.O.Y.C. is fortunate in having a very close and amenable relationship with the Royal Motor Yacht Club - Port Hacking Branch.
A large proportion of its skippers also belong to that club and in a congenial understanding, the P.H.O.Y.C. enjoys the full use of the R.M.Y.C's excellent facilities for various meetings and social functions. P.H.O.Y.C. can now truly lay claim to being the largest yacht club in New South Wales engaged purely in off shore events.
(Click here for original document)
1.9 Social and Racing Programme 1977-1978
RMYC Sailing Division - Port Hacking Sailing (PHS)
2.1 50th Anniversary Race 13th September 2014
Opening of Season race 2014
Division 1 and Short Haul sailed the original "Bell Buoy" course commencing at 1200hrs
Inshore and Non-Spinnaker sailed the Bate Bay course commencing at 1300hrs
Wednesday sailed an Estuary course commencing at 1400hrs.
All fleets finished about the same time an meet at the RMYC for the presentation of results.
We had an excellent rollup.
Fred Teiffel was our guest of honour and introduced by Ian Coles. See Ian's speech here.
Fred had a great time, met a few fellow sailors he has not seen for years and enjoyed the day.
2.2 Winners 2014 50th anniversary race
Bate Bay Non-Spinnaker – Pied Piper Tony Towndrow 2014
Bell Buoy Race 1 – Rhumb Line Jim Lupton 2014
2.3 Origin of Trophies and Races
Short Haul - Summer, Spring and Autumn
Short Haul Point Score

Summer Point Score
Summary: This race series has been the mainstay of the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club (PHOYC) and the Sailing division of the RMYC.
The original trophy was lost during the transfer of yachts to the Cronulla Sailing Club around 1991.
This series has always been based on the principle that it is open to all yachts, racing on a fortnightly cycle and excludes public holidays.
The Short haul Summer series is raced in Bate Bay these days and has three perpetual trophies.
Summer Point score. Trophy donated in 2001 and replaced the Ian Short trophy. The trophy is for the overall (summer) series. It is the series that decides the most improved skipper and is the principle series that decides the club champion.
Spring Point Score. The Short Haul spring series is run from the opening of the season till Christmas and is the first part of the summer series. This perpetual trophy was first presented in 1997 shortly after the formation of the sailing division.
Autumn Point Score. This trophy was donated by Ian Short Sails and first used in 1998 as the Summer trophy. When the series included a spring and autumn series within the summer series this trophy was used for the autumn series.

Spring Short Haul

Autumn Point Score
Background: The main series in the Summer is known as the Short Haul series. It is a series that goes back to the PHOYC days and was minuted as the prime series at the formation of the RMYC Sailing division. The two main requirements from the beginning were that it was a series that all RMYC boats competed in and it should be fortnightly. For a time, CSC and RMYC races were synchronised and a combined series was possible. The trophies date back to the PHOYC days and follow the original principles. Many surveys and skippers meetings since have endorsed the principal of a race for all RMYC boats on a 2-week cycle excluding public holidays.
I believe the original summer trophy went to the Cronulla Sailing Club and this one was a replacement in 2001.
The original series was raced offshore with races between Botany Bay and Wattamolla. Some skippers at the time wanted overnight and longer ocean races, so another Long-Haul series was introduced. As time went by, pressures of time and crew applied an the longer offshore race became less popular and currently is not in our program.
The club has had to adapt to the needs of our Skippers and crews over the years so, we now race the Short Haul in Bate Bay on Sundays but have a short ocean series to cater for those who like to go offshore.
Short Ocean Trophy
Summary: This trophy was provided in memory of "Getto" (John Gettins) by his sailing friends from Yebisu and L'attitude for a guy whose love was sailing.
A very successful and respected competitor who won many national sailing titles. An imaginative designer and boat builder whose talent was widely recognized.
A great friend and sailing mate held in highest esteem and remembered with affection.
The Short Ocean series is sailed offshore with races between Botany Bay and Wattamolla.

John Gettins (Getto or Long John)
Background: Getto or Long John (1939-2009), as he used to be known, enjoyed a lifetime of sailing and competition. To the many people who knew him Getto was one of the most innovative and imaginative of sailors, whose philosophy to the sport was speed and improvement.
Getto started in VJ’s in the middle 50’s. It was in this class he started building boats for himself and for others to race. In both cases with a great deal of success. He even gave John Bertrand a run for his money in one championship.
If you were built like Getto, VJ’s were not a long-term venture and he graduated to the new Skate class. It was in these high-speed dinghies that his true genius emerged. He won two National Championships and filled minor places in several of others. But along the way he developed and perfected the use of the “six foot swing plank”.
For those of us who knew him in those days the sight of six foot two Getto suspended three foot off the gunwale of his skate going like a “bat out of hell” with his good mate Phantom (Keith Cole) up the front will last for ever.
Getto’s love of these “snake boxes” even extended to joining the 50 year Anniversary of the class and sailing one in the celebration regatta at age 69.
As with a lot of guys his age Getto retired from competitive sailing and with his devoted wife Wendy, raised a family and supported his children in their chosen sports. Dean and Grant in BMX racing and stunting, and Melinda as a swimmer with state qualifications.

Short Ocean
For quite a number of years his sailing was confined to crewing and boat delivery.
In the early eighties sailboards emerged as a racing craft and along with mates Blatchy and Quince, Getto went about mastering this class. Never satisfied with the performance of factory-built boards he built his own. Light weight wooden craft always on the fringe of the class rules. He developed boards which allowed him to become the Master Class State Champion and gain innumerable minor placings over the years he competed. Not bad for an old guy in his 50’s. During his 10 years with the Sailboards he regularly competed on the sailboard circuit and raced against at least three Olympians. As with all the previous sailing classes he left the sailboards with many friends and very much stronger racing for his presence.
One of Getto’s great talents was the restoration of wooden boats. In this regard he purchased a broken-down Diamond yacht and renovated it sufficiently to race it at Cronulla Sailing Club. It was only the lack of a crew game enough to go with him that prevented him from achieving greater success.
About 10 years ago Getto joined “his band of brothers” to race a battered Adams 10 now named Yebisu. This was a wild ride on a shoestring budget. This boat proved highly competitive with all it raced against. Getto’s sailing genius and never say die spirit inspired the old guys and the young ones who sailed with him to push the Yebisu way beyond its normal comfort zone.
If you asked Getto to nominate his favourite sailing experience no doubt he would say in Yebisu with his great mate Blatchy when they blitzed the field in the Short Handed series to win both the R.M.Y.C and the combined event. Their crazy spinnaker run in 20 to 30 knot winds to set up this win will be remembered and talked about for many years.
During his lifetime Getto has sailed on many boats and with many crews. He always offered good fellowship and a desire to give of his best. I know there would not be one of those skippers he sailed with who would not love to have him back.
There is a quote on the R.M.Y.C Sailing web which sums up Getto perfectly; “The art of racing is not winning. But winning so the rest of the fleet are pleased you have won and the only way they can be pleased is for you to have shown not only better sailing than they but perfect sportsmanship.”
8 bells sound the changing of the watch, Getto you did it your way and you did it well. (Geoff Pallister, past sailing captain).
Harbour Series Trophy

Harbour series
Summary: This trophy was donated by David Pope, an early member of the sailing division and a past club champion. The trophy was originally awarded to a series sailed twice a year to and from Port Jackson which was included in earlier programs. These original four races where part of the Summer Short Haul series.
We have retained this trophy in our current program with five races in Bate Bay (harbour) whilst the Short Ocean yachts compete offshore.
Background: This trophy was donated by David Pope who was an early sailing division member. The trophy was first used in 2001-2002.
David's boat was called Primal Farr and is now owned and sailed by Jared Macquart with a new name of Hot Bubbles. The harbour series was first created to be a race within a race for when the Short Haul boats sailed to Port Jackson and returned the next day. Over the years the interest in longer ocean race and overnight stays declined and this trophy is now used for the Harbour series which is run in Bate Bay when the Short Ocean boats race offshore. This series commenced in 2017.
Alison and David Harper had returned from extensive cruising and were establishing a business that they started whist cruising. It became known as Cover Girl. Cover Girl remains the sponsor for the Harbour series. (More to follow by Steve McManus)
Short Handed Series

Short Handed
This series in raced offshore with a crew of two. The race currently is held by Cronulla Sailing Club and our boats compete in a combined fleet.
The Perpetual trophy was donated by Australian Sailing Charter in 1998 and goes to the winning Port Hacking Sailing registered yacht.
Donated by Australian Sailing Charters in 1998.
Maybe connected to Australian Packaging
(more from Steve McManus or Ray Cranfield)
Newton Perpetual Trophy
Sunday Winter Passage series

Newton Real Estate
Summary: This trophy was provided by "Newton Real Estate" initially for the first "Sunday Summer non-spinnaker" series in 2015 to encourage more of our Wednesday sailors to race on the weekends.
The weekend entries had been declining for many years including the attendance of competitors after each race. This was successful in getting more of the RMYC yachts to race on weekends and the "Sunday Winter Passage" series followed.
When "Crockers Paint and Wallpaper" retired from the Twilight sponsorship, it was picked up by "Newton Property Management" and this trophy was re-assigned at "Newtons" request to the "Sunday Winter Passage" series. The winners of the "Sunday Summer non-spinnaker" series are retained and now continues with the Sunday Winter winners.
Background: RMYC sailing division moved their weekend racing to Sunday in the season commencing in 2015 to encourage more boats to participate in a "Wednesday styled" event. The format uses a pursuit start in order to bring yachts home together and to permit camaraderie at a presentation after each race.
This was successful and attracted 18 entries in the first year. Newton Real Estate donated the Perpetual trophy for the "Summer Non-Spinnaker" series.
At the end of the Summer series it was suggested we should continue in the winter and so commence the "Winter Sunday Passage" series.
For the season commencing in 2017, Crocker's paints and Wallpaper notified that they could no longer sponsor the "Wednesday Twilight" series and "Newton Property Management" stepped in as the new sponsor for the Twilight series and retained the Original perpetual trophy.
"Newton Real Estate" did not want to sponsor two summer series but offered to sponsor the "Summer twilight" and the "Winter Bate Bay passage" series.
The original trophy has been re-labelled and still retains the summer non-spinnaker winners up till 2018
Club Champion

Club Champion
Summary: The club champion is decided by counting the greatest number of first places in the Short Haul, Short Ocean and Harbour series of Sunday races. Ties are broken by then counting second places and so on.
This trophy was first used in 1997. shortly after the sailing division was formed.
Background: Includes Summer Short Haul/Short Ocean and Harbour. The winning boat will be the greatest number of first places.
Ties will be broken by the greatest number of second place. If still tied; the greatest number of third places and so on.
To win boats need to compete on Sundays in Short Haul, Short Ocean and/or Harbour series.
First used in 1997
Encouragement Award

Summary: This trophy donated by David Pope in 2001. Probably incorrectly described "Encouragement" award as it recognises the most "improved performance" in the combined Sunday Short Haul series. It does this by looking at the percentage increase in TCF handicap at the beginning of the season compared to the finished TCF handicap at the end of the series. This information is available from the data kept by our "sail100" results program.
Background: Perpetual trophy donated by David Pope in 2001.
At the start of each new season boats start with a TCF handicap. For current boats this is the last handicap from the last race of the previous series. For new boats this has to be estimated and corrected by 3 races. After each race a new TCF is calculated by the formula detailed in the handbook. The latest TCF handicap is expressed as a percentage of the starting TCF handicap. The yacht that has improved the most will have the highest percentage.
TCF = Time Correction Factor. The result for each race is calculated by multiplying the (TCF) x (Elapsed time) to get a (Corrected time). The lowest corrected time is the winner.
Founders Trophy
Summary: Fred Teiffel was the founder of the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club (PHOYC) in 1964. In 2014 it was the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club and Fred donated the founder's trophy at this time for the winners of the first two races of the sailing season. These two races follow closely the two original courses sailed by Fred and his three mates. The three-dimensional picture lasered into the trophy is of Fred's Lanseer III.

Fred Teiffel Founder's trophy
Background: Extracts of a speech by Ian Coles on behalf of Fred at the 50th anniversary of PHOYC.
Fifty years ago, in 1964 Fred was the first commodore of the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht club and after it’s patron for many years.
Before buying his first yacht Fred learnt to sail at Burraneer Bay VJ club. He was in his mid‐forties and one of the kids sailed with him as the jib hand, sometimes his son Ken. He remembers Peter and Isobel Roche who were teenagers then and won most of the races.
After buying his first yacht Akuna a 28ft yawl Fred challenged 3 other boats in the port to a race.
Bruce Hart Mil a 36ft masthead sloop, Bob Nairn Nepenthe a Crown class 30ft masthead sloop, Dr Gerry Douglas Veronique a 32ft masthead sloop.
Over several months they organized races to Wattamolla and overnight to Port Kembla and Sydney harbour.
Fred remembers many overnight get togethers at Jibbon with roaring fires on the beach with timber collected from the National Park! Try doing that today!
In 1964 they formed the PHOYC. The first register listed the 4 boats and the inaugural race was from a starting line off Jibbon Beach around the bell buoy in Botany Bay and return.
The first PHOYC sailing meetings were held at Cronulla RSL. Later Fred joined the Lions Club who met at the RMYC. Fred then negotiated with the RMYC for a room to hold the sailing meetings of the PHOYC.
Three years later in 1967 the club had more than doubled its size to more than 10 boats Max Muller Pipe Dream, Dr A. Brown Odette 11, Bruce Hart Mil, Bill Johnson Sari, B. Gooch Electra, Fred Teiffel Landseer 111, W. Badge Alma Mater, Bob Nairn Nepenthe, Allan Sutton Jolly Roger and Dr Gerry Douglas Veronique.
He had his 2nd yacht by then Landseer 111 a 40ft yawl with a counter stern built in 1908. It was a narrow and wet boat.
We sailed with 4 young crew all half Fred’s age. We carried quite a lot of beer on board, and on calm days you could see a line of empty stubbies stretching way out down our wake. These we used to shoot at with .22 rifle we had on board! It was a different, less regulated, less environmentally aware Australia back then.
I remember Fred frequently inviting other crews back for dinner after a race without telling his long-suffering wife Gwen and turning up with 6 or 10 hungry crew expecting her to rustle up something out of thin air. Or he would find some lonely sailor who called into the port for repairs and take him home for a week while repairs were made.
Fred’s 3rd yacht Reverie was a 30ft Morris Griffith designed bilge keel. I remember we used to run her up on the sand bank in Gunnamatta Bay next to the baths to scrape the bottom and anti-fouled her.
Reverie has been restored by her current owner and converted to a gaff rig. It is moored in Sydney harbour.
From its inception the club continued to grow and 10 years later in 1974 the yacht register lists 47 yachts.
He sold his last yacht in the late 70’s and went back to his first love, flying light aircraft which he continued until well into his 80’s.
Twilight Race Point score

Twilight race point-score
Summary: This trophy was first used in 1995/96 for the twilight series organised and run by Frank Battersby in Gunnamatta Bay. Frank was a very colouful character in the early days of the sailing division. The Twilight series was moved to the Estuary in 2015 after the Afternoon series had successfully proven the estuary courses. This race has become the most popular of the "Port Hacking Sailing's" racing program.
Background: Frank Battersby was a driving force in the RMYC during the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club (PHOYC) days and that force continued in the RMYC Sailing Division.
His yacht "My Way" personified his drive and ability to organise events.
He organised the famous (perhaps infamous) professional days conducted on Jibbon Beach back then.
He started the RMYC Wednesday Twilight series in the late 70's or early 80's.
Frank had a colourful way of welcoming Twilight Sailing guests, one most notable, after welcoming some Japanese exchange students he remarked ”I've never been to Japan but my father saw Japan from a great height”. The students asked their hostess “what did he say?” The hostess replied, “He said, welcome to Australia”.
Frank retired from running and organising the Wednesday Twilight series due to ill health of his wife. This was continued by Kevin Everitt (course in Gunnamatta Bay), John Weidemier (Results and first web site) and John Barter (Upgraded the web introduced the handicapping system and moved to the estuary).
Frank passed away a few years later. He was a mentor to us and is sadly missed. He passed earlier this year (2004?). "Fair winds and followings seas Frank" Jim Lupton
In 2005 the Wednesday Twilight followed the Wednesday Afternoon series to the Estuary had continued sponsorship by "Crockers Paint and Wallpaper".
In 2017 "Crockers" retired from the sponsorship and it was picked up by "Newton Property Management".
This trophy was first used in 1995.
Jelly Bean Trophy

Jelly Bean Trophy
Summary: This trophy was donated by Tony Galwey who became a key supporter of the proposal by John Barter to move the Wednesday afternoon races into the estuary. "Jelly Beans" was the name of Tony's etchell. After some initial experimenting to overcome the many challenges of laying courses and control by competing yachts, the Wednesday afternoon racing proved to very successful. The perpetual trophy is used for the winner of the overall Wednesday afternoon series. The winner of each of the six series currently receives a Color Tile voucher for $150.
Background: We first started sailing on Wednesday afternoons around 2004. We had a number of retired Skippers that suggested the Wednesday racing should continue through the winter. From a small starting fleet it soon exceeded 15 boats. We initially raced in Gunnamatta Bay as per the Twilight series. For many years there was concern over the many accidents that were occurring due to the increase in yacht size and restrictions caused by the increasing size of mooring areas.

Early Wednesday buoy with storage inside
John Barter proposed we move the race into the Estuary, but this brought a number of challenges which included "how to set courses", "coming up with markers that could be set and retrieved from yachts", "how to get un-powered boats to and from the estuary", "resistance by some who thought it would detract from the spectacle from the club", "many sailors did not want to move" and "safety requirements by the club and MSB".
Many experiments followed with trials for courses and many buoys and anchors were trialled that could be set and received safely from yachts. The first courses used wave measuring piles and the early buoys were conical over a flotation ring, the course indicated by a red or green flag above the buoy. This allowed ropes chain and anchor to be stored inside the container formed by this buoy. It failed due to high winds or seas being able to invert the buoy. We eventually settled for the system used today.
Despite the challenges, the afternoon races where moved into the estuary and the problems solved. It quickly became obvious that this was the ideal venue for Wednesday races.
Tony Galwey gave the support of Color Tile and provided a trophy in 2005 to be known as the "Jellybeans Trophy" after the name of his Etchell and a generous sum of money to be used for prizes. Tony's yacht was called "Jelly Beans" after the popular Wednesday prize at the time which was a 4 litre paint tin provided by Dulux via Crockers Paints which was full of Jelly beans. Due to the large number of races in the overall series, the competition was divided into monthly series and the prize money allocated to the winner of each monthly series. This was particularly successful and resulted in the Wednesday Twilight series being moved to the estuary with four sub series.
The Jellybean perpetual trophy is used for the winner of the overall Wednesday winter series.
Ted Newbery Trophy
Summary: Ted Newbery was the first Sailing Captain of the newly formed "Sailing Division" in 1991 following the break-up of the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club (PHOYC). Ted was a life member of the RMYC and the PHOYC. This trophy was donated in 2018. "As this trophy has the distinction of being donated by the first Sailing Captain (Ted Newbury) of the then fledgling Sailing Division, it will be used as per his wishes as a perpetual trophy for one of our race series". Ted Newbery is well remembered and respected by older members of the Sailing Division

Ted Newbery
Background: Yacht racing as the Port Hacking Ocean Yacht Club (PHOYC) continued for 27 year up to 1991. At this time, Cronulla Sailing Club was in some financial difficulty and there were some perceived difficulties with yachts racing in a motor boat club. As a result, one group of sailors saw an opportunity to combine with Cronulla club and assist them and the junior sailors, whist others wished to remain with the RMYC with the benefits provided by that established club and its facilities.
On the 30th May 1991 a meeting was chaired by Commodore Lowe of the RMYC for the formation of a Sailing Division of the RMYC.
This meeting set the bases for the division today which is now called PORT HACKING SAILING.
Some of the decisions from that meeting still hold till now as seen in the extract below;
- Commodore Low stated that the sailing had formed a very important part of the club and welcomed dual members of PHOYC wishing to join the RMYC.
- Object: To promote and encourage sailing and yacht and sailboat racing.
- Yacht racing under the IYRU and Australian Yachting Federation.
- The articles of the RMYC were changed to allow sub-clubs and the Sailing was the first sub-club.
- Ted Newbery who was a life member of the PHOYC and the RMYC accepted the position of first sailing Captain.
- Sailing accounts to be embodied within the RMYC and not have separate bank accounts.
- Two classes of membership to be created, boat owners and non-boat owners (crew).
- It was proposed that racing be setup as "Short Haul" and "Inshore" divisions.
- Racing with and without spinnakers and integrated by way of handicaps.
- It was proposed to race fortnightly.
The first sailing division committee consisted of E. Newbery (Chairman), Rear Commodore R Boulton, R. Bayles, R. Routledge, C. Murphie, G. Back, R. Hill, R. Nelmes, S. McManus, C. Tuckfield, R. Stilgoe, R. Cranfield.
Mr John Worchurst, a past member and good friend of Ted Newbery donated the Founders cup at Ted's request. See letter below in response.
Dear John,
Re; “The Founders Cup”
Very many thanks for the donation of the Founders Cup from Ted Newbery to the RMYC-PH Sailing Division.
The Sailing Division is very grateful to receive this trophy.
As this trophy has the distinction of being donated by the first Sailing Captain of the then fledgling Sailing Division, it will be used as per his wishes as a perpetual trophy for one of our race series yet to be determined by the Sailing Division Committee.
Ted Newbery is well remembered and respected by members of the Sailing Division.
Please convey to Ted our sincere thanks and gratitude.
Yours sincerely, Jim Lupton
New Awards
Most Improved Crew Award
Only While Sailing Award